Should Christians Consume Alcoholic Beverages?

by John DiZazzo

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

(No audio available)

For your study and reference, Pastor John’s sermon notes are provided above.  You may also want to read two other documents, mentioned by Pastor John in his second sermon. The first is the Assemblies of God position paper Abstinence from Alcohol and the second is a news article on The Pub Church

Regarding the AOG position paper, Pastor John makes this comment: “I approve of virtually all that is stated in this article with only one major objection that is not directly related to the article itself: I do not at all approve of quoting from The Message as though that is an accurate translation of God’s Word. The Message is not a Bible translation; it is called a paraphrase. It is one man’s commentary, and a very poor, inaccurate one that corrupts the Word of God. I do not advocate its use under any circumstance.  For some simple, accurate info on The Message, read the article Why Is the Message (Bible) Not Safe?